FxPro Help Centre - Glossary

PPI (Producer Price Index)

PPI (Producer Price Index) is an economic indicator that measures the average change in selling prices received by domestic producers for their output over time. It reflects the prices at the wholesale level, before goods reach consumers, and is used to gauge inflation from the perspective of producers.

Key Aspects of PPI:

  1. Calculation:
    • PPI is calculated based on a monthly survey of thousands of producers across various industries. It tracks price changes for a basket of goods and services at different stages of production, including raw materials, intermediate goods, and finished goods.
  2. Components:
    • The index covers a wide range of industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, mining, and services. PPI is often broken down into sub-indices for different sectors to provide more detailed insights into price trends within specific industries.
  3. Interpretation:
    • A rising PPI indicates that producers are receiving higher prices for their goods and services, which may lead to higher consumer prices and increased inflation. Conversely, a falling PPI suggests lower producer prices, which can signal deflationary pressures.
  4. Usage:
    • PPI is used by policymakers, economists, and businesses to monitor inflationary trends and make informed decisions. It helps in adjusting contracts, planning budgets, and setting prices. Central banks may also use PPI data to guide monetary policy.

PPI is an essential indicator for understanding price changes at the producer level and anticipating potential impacts on consumer inflation and economic conditions.