FxPro Help Centre - Glossary

Margin Level

Margin level is a crucial metric in trading that measures the ratio of a trader's equity to their used margin, expressed as a percentage. It helps traders assess how much of their available funds are being used to maintain open positions and how close they are to receiving a margin call from their broker, which occurs when their account balance becomes too low to support their trades.

The formula for calculating margin level is as follows: Margin level equals equity divided by used margin, multiplied by 100.

  • Equity refers to the total value of a trader's account, including all profits or losses from open positions.
  • Used margin is the amount of capital required to maintain current open positions.

A high margin level indicates that the trader has significant available funds in relation to their used margin, meaning their account is in a stable condition. A low margin level, however, signals that most of the trader's capital is tied up in open trades, increasing the risk of a margin call.

For example, many brokers issue a margin call when the margin level falls below 100%, meaning that the trader's equity is equal to or less than the required margin to keep positions open. If the margin level continues to drop, the broker may automatically close positions to prevent further losses. Therefore, maintaining a healthy margin level is critical for traders to manage risk effectively and avoid forced liquidation of their assets.